Research Article
Stanisław Socha , Kamil Porowski, Dorota Kołodziejczyk
Institute of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, University of Siedlce, B. Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland
Abstract. The study conducted an analysis of production traits such as somatic cell count and urea content in milk, as well as the following sources of variability: year of study, month of the year, and herd over a period of 21 years in the herds under analysis. Additionally, the study took into account the most important aspects of dairy cattle breeding, including behavior, nutrition, welfare, milking systems, and the functional types of cattle along with their respective breeds. It was demonstrated that all sources of variability (year of study, month of the year, herd) had a statistically significant impact on the assessed traits (somatic cell count and urea content). It should be noted that the somatic cell count varied. which may indicate a significant environmental impact on this parameter. Throughout most of the study period, the somatic cell count remained within the established norms. The transition from a traditional feeding system to a TMR (Total Mixed Ration) feeding system in the herds led to an improvement in the qualitative composition of the milk. In this regard, it is recommended to implement modern technological systems in dairy cattle herds in the form of a TMR (Total Mixed Ration) feeding system. The results obtained over the 21-year period in selected dairy herds indicate well-conducted breeding work and improvements in environmental conditions. which have led to increased production in these herds and enhanced milk quality.
Keywords: milk production, farm, cattle, phenotypic progress
Received: 23 Dec 2023
Accepted: 28 Apr 2024
Published online: 27 Nov 2024
Accesses: 113
Socha, S., Porowski, K., Kołodziejczyk, D., (2023). The analysis of progress in the quality traits of milk and their interdependence with milk yield in selected herds of cattle under performance control. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 22(4), 81–90. DOI: 10.21005/asp.2023.22.4.09.