Review Article

Different variations of using essential oils in several animal species: treatment and supplementation

Nicola Padzik , Małgorzata Szewczuk, Piotr Sablik

Department of Ruminant Science, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Janickiego 29, 71-270 Szczecin, Poland

Abstract. Due to the abuse of antimicrobial agents, microorganisms are increasingly showing resistance to antibiotics, which is a problem not only from a medical point of view but also from an economical perspective. Microbes acquire the ability to develop resistance to antibiotics, which puts the effectiveness of therapy in question. Therefore, there was an increased interest in substances found in plants, showing strong antimicrobial activity [Król et al. 2013, Lima et al. 2013, Różański and Drymel 2009, Grzesiak et al. 2018]. An effective natural alternative are essential oils. These natural plant extracts find their application in medicine, cosmetology, food industry [Herman and Herman 2015, Kaniewski et al. 2016] and in animal nutrition [Radkowska 2013]. In addition to the effect of better feed utilization, essential oils are also useful in the treatment and prevention in various animal species [Crowell 1999].

Keywords: essential oils, veterinary medicine, animal treatment, nutrition and supplementation in animals


This Article

Received: 15 Dec 2018

Accepted: 28 Dec 2018

Published online: 30 Jan 2019

Accesses: 518

How to cite

Padzik, N., Szewczuk, M., Sablik, P., (2018). Different variations of using essential oils in several animal species: treatment and supplementation. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 17(3), 3–8. DOI: 10.21005/asp.2018.17.3.01.