Research Article

The effect of polymorphism within exon 12 of IGF1R gene on meat production traits in Limousin and Hereford cattle

Małgorzata Szewczuk1 , Piotr Sablik1, Hanna Kulig2

1Department of Ruminant Science, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Klemensa Janickiego 29,71-270 Szczecin, Poland

2Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, al. Piastów 45,70-311 Szczecin, Poland

Abstract. The aim of the research was to genetically describe the cattle herd containing Hereford cattle (n = 141) and Limousin cattle (n = 161) based on the polymorphism in the 12th exon of the gene coding for insulin-like growth factor I receptor (bIGF1R/e12/MspI) and an attempt to estimate the potential relation between genetic variants and selected meat production traits features. The identification of the genotypes of particular individuals was carried out with PCR-RFLP. The most common genotype in the analysed herd was GG. There were no individuals with the AA genotype found. The statistical analysis revealed that the GG genotype was correlated with higher values of the analysed features compared to heterozygotes. The differences were statistically significant in most cases.

Keywords: beef cattle, IGF1R gene, polymorphism, daily gaining


This Article

Received: 5 Dec 2017

Accepted: 28 Dec 2017

Published online: 5 Feb 2018

Accesses: 872

How to cite

Szewczuk, M., Sablik, P., Kulig, H., (2017). The effect of polymorphism within exon 12 of IGF1R gene on meat production traits in Limousin and Hereford cattle. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 16(4), 53–56. DOI: 10.21005/asp.2017.16.4.08.