Research Article
Joanna Kucharska-Gaca, Marek Adamski, Joanna Kuźniacka, Emilia Kowalska
Department of Poultry Breeding and Animal Products Evaluation, UTP University of Science and Technology, Mazowiecka 28, 85-084 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Abstract. Based on the available literature it can be concluded that pre-incubation has only been used to prolong the hatching ability of eggs stored for a longer period of time. The following research used pre-incubation as a method aiming at increasing the hatchability rates. Pre-incubation was conducted immediately prior to the proper date of incubation. (7263 pcs.) White Koluda® goose eggs were used in this research. Eggs were divided into 3 groups and warmed to the temperature of 37.8°C. In both experimental groups the differences in hatchability rates of eggs and hatching of goslings were not statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05). However, while comparing the control group with those in which pre-incubation had been conducted, a higher percentage of fertilized eggs and a lower percentage of dead embryos were observed in groups that had been warmed. Moreover, a higher percentage of hatchability was observed in pre-incubated groups, which matters in large-scale production and enables a more efficient production of goslings. A positive effect of the process of pre-incubation on the synchronization of hatching was also observed. In the pre-incubated groups, goslings hatched simultaneously, which suggests full synchronization of the process of hatching. Pre-incubation as an additional treatment during incubation can result in an increase in the hatchability rates of eggs and hatching of goslings, which seems to be justified in case of this species due to low hatchability rates.
Keywords: pre-incubation, hatchability, synchronization, goose
Accepted: 1 Jun 2016
Published online: 6 May 2017
Accesses: 1648
Kucharska-Gaca, J., Adamski, M., Kuźniacka, J., Kowalska, E., (2016). Goose eggs hatching technique improvement with the use of pre-incubation. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 15(2), 37–46. DOI: 10.21005/asp.2016.15.2.04.