Research Article

Oestrus-like symptoms in pregnant bitches

Piotr Jurka, Andrzej Max, Piotr Trębacz, Rafał Sapierzyński

Department of Small Animal Diseases with Clinic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Nowoursynowska 159c, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland

Abstract. Oestrogenization during pregnancy was described in a few animal species and in women. Authors of this paper observed oestrus-like symptoms during five pregnancies in four bitches (group S) and compared chosen parameters with those in pregnant bitches without such symptoms (group C). Studied bitches were examined by vaginoscopy, vaginal cytology and ultrasonography. Concentrations of progesterone, estrogens and testosterone were measured. Blood progesterone concentration during pregnancy was similar in groups S and C. There were statistically significant differences in concentration of estrogens from 21st to 35th day postmating (p from 0.01 to 0.001). Testosterone concentrations showed statistically significant differences between group S and C only on 42nd and 56th day postmating (P ≥ 0.01). We did not observe signs of embryonic resorption or miscarriage in group S, and bitches delivered 6, 5, 7, 8 and 11 puppies. Higher estrogens concentration in pregnant bitches with oestrus-like symptoms suggests hormonal extra supplementation, but the source/es of estrogens remained unknown. Additional research would be necessary to discover the source of estrogens in pregnant bitches.

Keywords: dog, pregnancy, oestrus, estrogens


This Article

Accepted: 15 Dec 2015

Published online: 9 May 2017

Accesses: 921

How to cite

Jurka, P., Max, A., Trębacz, P., Sapierzyński, R., (2016). Oestrus-like symptoms in pregnant bitches. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 15(1), 19–30. DOI: 10.21005/asp.2016.15.1.02.