Research Article
Grażyna Michalska, Jerzy Nowachowicz, Tomasz Bucek, Przemysław Dariusz Wasilewski, Małgorzata Kmiecik
University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz, Poland
Abstract. The aim of research was the analysis of meat and fat content in two groups of crossbred gilts (52.024 individuals) produced in The Kujawy-Pomorze Breeding Region in years 2009–2013 and performance tested according to obligatory methodology. Gilts came from two crossing variants of Polish Large White (PLW) and Polish Landrace (PL) breeds: [PLW x PL] and [PL x PLW], where the sow’s breed was given at first position and boar’s breed at second position. It should be noticed that in analysed years, fat content measured as backfat thickness in P2 and P4 points decreased and the height of loin eye and meat content increased in both groups of crossbred gilts i.e. [PLW x PL] and [PL x PLW]. Efficient improvement in range of meat and fat content of crossbred gilts [PLW x PL] and [PL x PLW] produced in The Kujawy-Pomorze Breeding Region and being the component used in breeding and commercial crossing of pigs is still recommended and should be monitored in the following years.
Keywords: crossbred gilts, performance test, meat content, fat content
Accepted: 10 Dec 2015
Published online: 5 May 2017
Accesses: 591
Michalska, G., Nowachowicz, J., Bucek, T., Wasilewski, P.D., Kmiecik, M., (2015). Evaluation of meat and fat content of crossbred gilts obtained from multidirectional crossing of Polish Large White and Polish Landrace breeds obtained in the breeding area of Kujawy-Pomorze region. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 14(4), 119–130.