Research Article
Justyna Batkowska, Antoni Brodacki
Department of Biological Basis of Animal Production, University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Abstract. The aim of the research was to compare the effects of rearing slaughter turkeys fed with non-greased (N-G) and greased (G) full-portion feedstuff mixtures in their first 8 wks of life and then maintained extensively from 9th to 20th week of rearing. From 9th wk of rearing the birds from both groups where moved inside a building with access to fowl-runs and fed with limited balanced mixtures as well as crushed wheat, wheat bran, green forage and steam potatoes. Differences in average body weight were statistically significant for turkey-cocks from the 7th and for turkey-hens from the 11th week to the end of rearing. The birds fed with mixtures without dietary fat were significantly heavier. During the whole rearing period N-G groups showed less FCR than G groups. Better livability of these birds during the initial period of rearing was noticed. European Efficiency Index estimated for turkey-hens and turkey-cocks was significantly better in N-G groups than in G groups. Considerably bigger share of abdominal fat pad in body weight of G group of birds could result from the its more intensive operation connected with fat additive. Additionally, dietary fat administered during the initial rearing period may contribute to carcass fatness, what is confirmed by bigger proportion of abdominal fat pad in birds of G than in N-G groups. The unequivocal differentiation in case of the proportion of particular carcass elements depending on feeding and birds sex was not observed. The presented investigations show that dietary fat addition to full-portioned feedstuff mixtures at the beginning of rearing should be limited if subsequent fattening is held with the use of farm fodders.
Keywords: slaughter turkeys, dietary fat, farm fodders, production effects
Accepted: 10 Jul 2015
Published online: 30 Apr 2017
Accesses: 498
Batkowska, J., Brodacki, A., (2015). Influence of feeding with non-greased feed mixtures during the first weeks of young slaughter turkeys' lives on their performance under subsequent extensive rearing conditions
. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 14(3), 25–36.