Research Article

Influence of lactose supplementation in milk replacer on the blood plasma levels of selected micro- and macroelements in calves

Alicja Dratwa-Chłupnik1 , Katarzyna Michałek1, Andrzej Olszewski2

1West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland

2National Research Institute of Animal Production, Kołbacz, Poland

Abstract. Milk replacer overfeeding increases lactose supply, which leads to osmotic diarrhea. Changes in the status of selected micro- and macroelements are observed in calves with diarrhea caused by various pathogenic factors. There is very few data on changes in various blood parameters in calves in response to lactose administration. The primary aim of this study was to search for plasma mineral management indicators that could be used to make a rapid diagnosis of the cause of diarrhea. The experiment was carried out on 8 Polish Holstein-Friesian var. Black-and-White male calves at age two and three weeks. Calves were fed milk replacer. The diet was twice supplemented with lactose in the amount of 1 g ∙ kg–1 of body weight. The plasma concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron were measured before and after lactose was added. In both age groups, milk replacer with lactose addition most likely increased the passage of the gastric contents and additional water loss in feces. In conclusion, our studies demonstrate that zinc may be considered as a potential diagnostic indicator of the cause of diarrhea. A decrease in plasma zinc concentrations accompanied by an increase in plasma copper values have been observed in response to excessive lactose supply. A decrease in plasma zinc concentrations in two- and three-week-old calves during diarrhea, along with relatively stable values of other micro- and macroelements, may indicate an excess of lactose in milk replacer or an oversupply of milk replacer.

Keywords: calves, micro- and macronutrients, neonatal period, transient diarrhea


This Article

Accepted: 24 Jun 2015

Published online: 30 Apr 2017

Accesses: 389

How to cite

Dratwa-Chłupnik, A., Michałek, K., Olszewski, A., (2015). Influence of lactose supplementation in milk replacer on the blood plasma levels of selected micro- and macroelements in calves. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 14(3), 37–48.