Research Article

Natriuretic and antinatriuretic response to lactose load in one-week-old calves

Alicja Dratwa-Chałupnik , Katarzyna Michałek, Natalia Borus, Paulina Bogusiewicz

West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland

Abstract. The current study was performed to determine the effect of short term administration of milk replacer with excessive amount of lactose on changes in the concentration of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and aldosterone (ALDO) in the blood plasma of one-week-old calves. The experiment was carried out on Polish Holstein-Friesian var. Black-and-White male calves. Animals were fed the milk replacer twice a day in amount of 10% of body weight. In the evening (first day of the experiment) and in the morning (second day of the experiment), monohydrate lactose in amount of 1 g ⋅ kg–1 of body weight was added into the milk replacer. The present study shows the opposite trend of changes of ANP (increase) and ALDO (decrease) in response to administration of lactose with milk replacer formulation. Average concentration of ANP before the administration of lactose was 77.46  pg ⋅ ml–1 and ALDO was 86.28 pg ⋅ ml–1. After the application of lactose, increased concentration of ANP was observed (83.91 pg ⋅ ml–1 after 1st dose of lactose and 81.46 pg ⋅ ml–1 after 2nd dose of lactose) and decreased concentration of ALDO was observed (77.69 pg ⋅ ml–1 after 1st dose of lactose and 70.64 pg ⋅ ml–1 after 2nd dose of lactose). On the basis of these results, it can be concluded that ANP and ALDO effectively respond to lactose load in 1-week-old calves.

Keywords: calves, atrial natriuretic peptide, aldosterone, neonatal period, lactose


This Article

Accepted: 14 May 2015

Published online: 30 Apr 2017

Accesses: 398

How to cite

Dratwa-Chałupnik, A., Michałek, K., Borus, N., Paulina Bogusiewicz, , (2015). Natriuretic and antinatriuretic response to lactose load in one-week-old calves. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 14(2), 77–84.