Research Article

Fighting homelessness of dogs – evaluation of the strategy adapted by the city of Siedlce

Małgorzata Bednarczyk-Szurmak, Elżbieta Bombik, Teresa Bombik, Katarzyna Łagowska, Izabela Szumigłowska, Marcin Różewicz

Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland

Abstract. The aim of the study was to evaluate the strategy to combat homelessness of dogs in the city of Siedlce. The survey was based on questionnaires that included the following data: the number of dogs captured in 2010–2012, expenses incurred on the capture of the dogs and their boarding, procedures for dealing with homeless dogs, veterinary care, providing of full time care, the search for new owners for homeless dogs. The activities carried out by the municipality of Siedlce aimed at introducing compulsory registration and marking of dogs should be considered appropriate. Also the action of spaying/neutering dogs that get to shelters should be noted as positive. This action will significantly reduce propagation rates of dogs, and as a result reduce the number of animals brought to the shelter in future. As a result of the actions taken in Siedlce, a gradual decrease in the number of homeless dogs can be observed. Most homeless dogs have been spotted during summer holidays, which could have been caused by problems with the care of the animals; hence creation of hotels for animals seems a good solution. The shelter must be more active to increase the percentage of adoptions of dogs.

Keywords: homeless dogs, homelessness combat methods


This Article

Accepted: 11 Mar 2015

Published online: 7 May 2017

Accesses: 660

How to cite

Bednarczyk-Szurmak, M., Bombik, E., Bombik, T., Łagowska, K., Szumigłowska, I., Różewicz, M., (2015). Fighting homelessness of dogs – evaluation of the strategy adapted by the city of Siedlce. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 14(1), 25–32.