Research Article

The influence of the negative cation–anion balance in cows on the frequency of milk fever

Bartosz Kłos, Marta Kaliciak, Katarzyna Walkowiak, Maciej Adamski

Wrocław University of Enviromental and Life Sciences, Poland

Abstract. The experiment was performed on dairy cattle herds from two farms in Opole Province. The animals were in at least 75% Holstein-Friesians. During the dry period the cows were fed negative cation–anion balanced feed. Statistically important differences in frequency of milk fever were noticed between groups of animals fed the feed with and without anionic salts.

Keywords: cation–anion balance, DCAD, DCAB, hypocalcaemia, milk fever


This Article

Accepted: 22 Feb 2015

Published online: 30 Apr 2017

Accesses: 807

How to cite

Kłos, B., Kaliciak, M., Walkowiak, K., Adamski, M., (2015). The influence of the negative cation–anion balance in cows on the frequency of milk fever. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 14(1), 91–98.