Research Article

Slaughter value and meat quality of Polish Merino and Berrichon du Cher ram lambs in intensive housing system

Roman Niżnikowski, Artur Oprządek, Marcin Świątek, Grzegorz Czub, Krzysztof Głowacz, Magdalena Ślęzak

Abstract. The study was conducted on 13 ram-lambs of Berrichon du Cher and 19 ram-lambs of Polish Merino in Grotkowo flock belonging to GRH Żydowo. The lambs were fed ad libitum using TMR. The lambs were slaughtered at a body weight 40 kg. The slaughter and carcass value and meat (mld) quality were estimated. Carcasses of Polish Merino lambs were in better fat class (in EUROP classification) compared to Berrichon du Cher. Higher levels of fat in Berrichon du Cher's carcasses would have an impact on higher weight of primary cuts compared to Polish Merino. The studies showed favorable level of physico-chemical characteristics and fatty acid profile of the meat (\emph{mld}) of Berrichon du Cher compared to Polish Merino. Intensive hausing system connected with feeding ad libitum (using TMR) causes a high level of fatness of carcasses of Berrichon du Cher rams. Although its carcasses characterized better pH24 and favorable fatty acid profile compared to Polish Merino. Taking into account the requirements of consumers, carcasses of rams fattened to a weight of 40 kg, may meet with difficulties in the disposal and therefore should be consider the wider use of Berrichon du Cher breed as a paternal breed in crossbreeding.

Keywords: meat quality, sheep, slaughter traits


This Article

Published online: 8 May 2017

Accesses: 482

How to cite

Niżnikowski, R., Oprządek, A., Świątek, M., Czub, G., Głowacz, K., Ślęzak, M., (2014). Slaughter value and meat quality of Polish Merino and Berrichon du Cher ram lambs in intensive housing system. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 13(2), 41–50.