Research Article

Fast blood plasma reductants in well-trained standardbred trotters before and after intensive race

Ryszard Pikuła, Tadeusz Ogoński, Angelika Cieśla

Abstract. Concentrations of haematological parameters in five Standardbred mares were determined at rest and after race, as well as blood plasma dehydration factor Df, TAS and TAS x Df, and fast plasma reductans (FPR) and FPR x Df. An increase in PLT, WBC and RBC values was observed after intensive race, as well as a significant growth in HGB and HCT concentrations values. The RBC x HGB values at rest observed in this study are characteristic of good horse preparation to aerobic exercise. The observed post-exercise drop in the TAS concentration was significant, while that in the FPR concentration was insignificant. It is apparent that post-exercise horse blood parameters should be examined in association with organism dehydration degree.

Keywords: dehydration factor, fast plasma reductants, horses, TAS


This Article

Published online: 9 May 2017

Accesses: 538

How to cite

Pikuła, R., Ogoński, T., Cieśla, A., (2012). Fast blood plasma reductants in well-trained standardbred trotters before and after intensive race. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 11(4), 107–116.