Research Article

Influence of feeding system on mineral profile of Charolaise breed cows blood

Robert Kupczyński, Maciej Adamski, Bartosz Kłos, Rafał Sieradzki

Abstract. The aim of the study was an assessment of macro- and microelements level in blood serum of Charolaise breed cows with a change of feeding system from organic to indoor one, when supplementary mixtures (mineral-vitamin) were introduced. Thirty two cows of Charolaise breed were selected for the experiment. The study included 2 periods taking into account final period of organic feeding system (1st period) and 6 months of indoor feeding with mineral supplements (2nd period). Blood for laboratory analysis was collected at the end of organic system feeding and after 6 months where mineral additives were used. Comparing both research periods, small decrease in Na and K content was noted in the 2nd period when compared to the beginning of the study. An increase in Fe concentration was observed in 2nd period of the study when compared to the 1st one. The differences between research period were not confirmed statistically. Also slight increase in Cl, Ca, Mg and P concentration was noted in the 2nd period of the study compared to the 1st period.

Keywords: blood serum, Charolaise, feeding, mineral elements


This Article

Published online: 5 May 2017

Accesses: 548

How to cite

Kupczyński, R., Adamski, M., Kłos, B., Sieradzki, R., (2012). Influence of feeding system on mineral profile of Charolaise breed cows blood. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 11(4), 69–78.