Research Article

Analysis of the possibility of various litter beddings application with special consideration of cattle manure separate

Maciej Adamski, Katarzyna Głowacka, Robert Kupczyński, Adam Bensk

Abstract. The aim of the work was to analyse an utilisation of various litter beddings by dairy cows during rest. Cows cleanness and hygiene level in cowsheds determine yield and quality of milk, however is still an up-to-date issue. For the experiment purposes, the sites with straw, sand, sawdust and cattle manure separate (12 site with each bedding) were allocated in free-stalls cowshed. The cattle manure separate is a solid fraction of slurry formed as a result of its separation from liquid part. Such a separation allows to utilize a liquid manure as a fertilizer, while solid fraction may be applied as litter material in a closed cycle. Twelve animals were selected among the dairy cattle herd and let to the separated part of the cowshed where they had a free access to all the sites. The analyses conducted demonstrated that the cows observed preferred the separate as litter material more than other kinds of beddings. A few-months observations of mastitis frequency in cows did not confirm the threats concerning hygienic state of such a litter, and also hooves were dry that increased their hygienic status.

Keywords: cattle, litter bedding, separator, welfare


This Article

Published online: 8 May 2017

Accesses: 688

How to cite

Adamski, M., Głowacka, K., Kupczyński, R., Bensk, A., (2011). Analysis of the possibility of various litter beddings application with special consideration of cattle manure separate. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 10(4), 5–12.