Research Article

Effect of the quality of handling and care on the reproduction parameters of mink

Beata Seremak, Małgorzata Dziadosz, Bogdan Lasota, Lidia Felska-Błaszczyk, Kamil Pławski, Anna Masłowska, Grzegorz Mieleńczuk

Abstract. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of animal handling, defined as the so-called human factor, on the level of reproductive parameters of female mink.We analyzed some reproductive parameters of 6 348 one- and two-year-old Scanbrown females, such as fertility, prolificacy and rate of rearing the young. Mink were divided into four groups; group I and II consisted of one-year-old females, group III and IV comprised females at age two years. Individual groups of females were operated by four different teams of workers. The results indicate a strong influence of the quality of care on the parameters of breeding.

Keywords: animal handling and care, fertility, mink, prolificacy, weaning success


This Article

Published online: 30 Apr 2017

Accesses: 468

How to cite

Seremak, B., Dziadosz, M., Lasota, B., Felska-Błaszczyk, L., Pławski, K., Masłowska, A., Mieleńczuk, G., (2011). Effect of the quality of handling and care on the reproduction parameters of mink. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 10(3), 93–102.