Research Article


Karol Fijałkowski, Antoni Furowicz, Danuta Czernomysy-Furowicz, Anna Silecka

Abstract. The quantitive changes of protein fractions of piglets in the neonatal period were defined, the research being based on 2 groups of Polish Landrace piglets. The first group consisted of piglets 12 hours old while in the second group 2 weeks old. Total protein concentration was measured in all examined sera premising the electrophoresis and densitometric reading. Significant differences in serum protein fraction concentration were observed between the first and the second group. The contradistinction in serum protein concentration was confirmed in albumin and γ-globulin fractions. The mean albumin concentration in the 12 hour old piglet was 13,5 gL and in 2 week old 29,07 gL. The mean difference in γ-globulin concentration between the groups was 21,35 gL. Moreover, great variability was observed according to albumin and γ-globulin fractions in piglets of the same age. The differences were as follow: 22,66 gL – albumin, 22,02 gL – γ-globulin fraction in 12 hour old piglets and 14,01 gL – albumin, 9,69 gL – γ-globulin fraction in 2 week old animals.

Keywords: Key words: electrophoresis, proteinogram, serum fraction, total protein


This Article

Published online: 28 Apr 2017

Accesses: 461

How to cite

Fijałkowski, K., Furowicz, A., Czernomysy-Furowicz, D., Silecka, A., (2008). SERUM FRACTION ANALYSIS OF HEALTHY PIGLETS IN THE NEONATAL PERIOD. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 7(2), 3–10.