Research Article

Histopathological changes of the pectoral muscle in pheasants (Phasinus colchicus; Phasinus c. mongolicus)

Konrad Walasik, Alicja Łyszczarz, Joanna Bogucka, Joanna Kuźniacka, Katarzyna Stadnicka, Monika Bogusławska-Tryk, Adam Oler

UTP University of Science and Technology, Mazowiecka 28, 85-084 Bydgoszcz, Poland

Abstract. The aim of investigation was the frequency of histopathological changes of the m. pectoralis superficialis of game and Mongolian pheasants of different ages. The samples for analyze from pectoral muscle were taken after bird slaughter immediately at 12, 16 and 20 weeks of age. Then with from the samples made the histological slides and stained with H + E coloring method to visualize of the muscle tissue structure. The muscle structure analysis was conducted per area 1.5 mm2 with the following histopathological changes: atrophy, shape changes, giant fibers, necrosis, hyaline degeneration, splitting, connective tissue hypertrophy and inflammatory. There was a small frequency of histopathological changes in both pheasant varieties. The most histopathological changes ware observed atrophy and changes of fiber shape. Other changes were sporadic. The connective tissue hypertrophy and inflammatory infiltration were not observed in any individuals. Mongolian pheasants found slightly higher frequency of histopathological changes, but these differences were not statistically significant. Considering the above facts, it can be stated that m. pectoralis superficialis both varieties of pheasants because of the small number of histopathological changes observed in their structure and their nutritional value are valuable raw materials for the high-quality food production.

Keywords: breast muscle, changes of muscle structure, pheasants


This Article

Received: 11 Sep 2017

Accepted: 12 Dec 2017

Published online: 6 Jan 2018

Accesses: 791

How to cite

Walasik, K., Łyszczarz, A., Bogucka, J., Kuźniacka, J., Stadnicka, K., Bogusławska-Tryk, M., Oler, A., (2017). Histopathological changes of the pectoral muscle in pheasants (Phasinus colchicus; Phasinus c. mongolicus). Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 16(4), 17–22. DOI: 10.21005/asp.2017.16.4.03.