Research Article

Effect of inulin-supplemented diet on quail performance parameters and meat quality

Danuta Majewska, Danuta Szczerbińska, Zofia Tarasewicz, Małgorzata Jakubowska, Józefa Gardzielewska, Krystyna Romaniszyn, Marek Ligocki

Western Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland

Abstract. This study aimed at evaluation of the effect of inulin-supplemented diet in the rearing period on quail performance parameters and slaughter value. The quails of group 2 and 3 were fed compound feeds containing inulin at a level of 1.5% for 3 and 6 weeks, respectively. The feed for the control group was not supplemented with inulin. The obtained results show that feed supplementation with inulin, regardless of administration time, did not have any effect of quail performance traits, slaughter value and percentage of some organs in body weight. The most favourable percentage of breast with bones and skin was also observed in group 2 (51.35%). Significantly (P  ≤  0.01) lower content of this carcass element in relation to both experimental groups was a characteristic of the birds of the control group (51.35%). In male quails of this group, a significantly (P  ≤  0.01) lower percentage of breast muscle was also observed (27.02%); in groups 2 and 3, these values were 29.93 and 28.41%, respectively. A significantly (P  ≤  0.05) lower cholesterol content per 100 g of the breast meat, in relation to the control group (122.4 mg), was recorded in experimental groups 2 and 3 (116.6 and 114.3 mg, respectively). Feeding with inulin-supplemented feed did not have any effect on the results of physicochemical evaluation and sensory attractiveness of meat and broth.

Keywords: prebiotic, quails, performance, meat quality


This Article

Accepted: 15 Apr 2015

Published online: 1 May 2017

Accesses: 419

How to cite

Majewska, D., Szczerbińska, D., Tarasewicz, Z., Jakubowska, M., Gardzielewska, J., Romaniszyn, K., Ligocki, M., (2015). Effect of inulin-supplemented diet on quail performance parameters and meat quality. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 14(2), 135–146.