Research Article
Chrystyna Grymak, Stakh Vovk
Institute of Animal Biology, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine
Institute of Agriculture in the Carpathian Region, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine
Abstract. The study revealed the optimal concentration of reduced glutathione and bovine serum albumin in the lactose-yolk-tris-citrate-glycerine diluent in ram–sires sperm cryopreservation. It was shown that the addition of 5 μM of reduced glutathione and 15 mg · ml-1 of bovine serum albumin into the lactose-yolk-tris-citrate-glycerine diluent contributes to the increase in frozen–thawed sperm activity by 11.0%, its resistance to cryopreservation by 6.0%, intact acrosome by 9.5%, sperm surviving rate by 23.9%, absolute survival indicator by 21.8%, sperm kinetic indicators: VCL – by 14.3%, VAP – by 12.5%, VSL – by 15.4%, LIN – by 0.4%, STR – by 2.2%, as well as fertilization rate by 12.0%. These results prove the positive effect of the addition of bioactive substances into the diluent on the qualitative features of frozen–thawed sperm.
Keywords: bovine serum albumin, ewes, frozen-thawed sperm, ram-sires, reduced glutathione, sperm kinetic indicators
Accepted: 30 Sep 2014
Published online: 8 May 2017
Accesses: 468
Grymak, C., Vovk, S., (2014). The impact of addition of reduced glutathione and bovine serum albumin to the extender on the qualitative indexes of the frozen-thawed ram sperm. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 13(3), 47–54.