Research Article
Alina Janocha , Maria Osek, Zofia Turyk, Anna Milczarek
Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management, Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Bolesława Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland
Abstract. The study assessed an influence of broiler chicken feeding mixtures characterized by a different share of brewer’s yeast on post-slaughter effects of birds and the quality of their meat. It was found that the control group chickens and the birds fed mixtures in which 11 and 18% soybean protein was replaced with yeast protein obtained better slaughter performance, better musculature, and lower carcass fatness than the birds which was receipting mixtures with more yeast. An introduction of yeast in mixtures increased the crude fat content in both breast and thigh muscles. An application of mixtures with a higher share of yeast protein unfavourably influenced the composition of fatty acids of meat lipid fraction, mainly the amount of PUFA. Mixtures including brewer’s yeast beneficially influenced the flavour attributes of red and white meat.
Keywords: broiler chickens, brewer’s yeast, meat quality, post-slaughter results
Accepted: 14 Nov 2011
Published online: 30 Apr 2017
Accesses: 601
Janocha, A., Osek, M., Turyk, Z., Milczarek, A., (2011). Evaluation of an impact of mixtures containing brewer’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on post-slaughter quality of broiler chickens. Acta Sci. Pol. Zootechnica, 10(4), 41–52.